Conference Proceedings
High Rate Deposition of Reactive Oxide Coatings by New Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Source Technology Paid Members Public
Presented by J. Madocks, P. Morse, General Plasma, Inc., Clear silicon dioxide and zinc oxide coatings are deposited at high rates using a new plasma chemical vapor deposition source. The new source overcomes previous PECVD problems associated with electrode coating and enables dense, uniform, adherent films on low temperature plastics.
Advances in PEDOT:PSS Conductive Polymer Dispersions Paid Members Public
Presented by Ronald P. Lubianez, H.C. Starck, Inc. Roll-to-roll manufacturing of flexible electronics requires easily applied transparent conductors. H.C. Starck offers environmentally friendly alternatives to the vacuum sputtered conductive oxides (TCO) that have been extensively used in these applications. CleviosÔ dispersions based on poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene)/poly(
Electron Beam Induced Bias for High Speed, High Quality Coating of Ultra Thin Capacitor Web Paid Members Public
Presented by Dr. Stephan Küper, Leybold Optics GmbH In the capacitor film industry there is a continuous strive for metalizers producing with higher coating speed and better film quality. At the same time, the film thickness is continuously decreasing. In order to metalize film with higher coating speeds or with
Why Is Rod Coating Still Around? Paid Members Public
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PVdC – Past and Current Barrier Material Paid Members Public
One of the ongoing challenges for today’s consumer goods and products is to provide packaging and protection with enhanced barrier to oxygen, various gasses, water and chemicals. Polyvinylidene di-chloride (PVdC) has been used for decades on paper and plastic films and as extrusion resin. This paper will focus more
A Flexible Active-matrix Electronic Paper Display Driven with Amorphous Oxide Semiconductor Paid Members Public
Presented by Manabu Ito, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. We demonstate, for the first time, a flexible, active-marix, electronic paper display driven with amorphous oxide semiconductors. A tansparent and flexible backplane was deposited by standard sputtering technique at room temperature using amorphou In-Ga-Zn-O as an active channel, which is fully compatible
Aluminum Wire in Metallizing Paid Members Public
Presented by Kevin Hunter, Shaped Wire/Solon Specialty Wire Legget & Platt Inc. Aluminum Wire is one of the primary consumables in today’s vacuum metallizing industry for flexible packaging and other applications. Typically when problems are encountered, the aluminum is often overlooked based on the past history and experience
New Methods to Analyze the Steel to Rubber Roller Interface Paid Members Public
Presented by Stephen Huff, ABBA Rubber Intl. Common to most converting lines are nip rollers. These roller-to-roller interfaces perform many different tasks from conveying the web through the machine to performing complicated processing steps. Most of the knowledge base on nips comes from experience or “rule of thumb.” Data explaining