C.A. Bishop Consulting Ltd
The Old Bishop's Almanac: Prognostications for the Future of Vacuum Coating The "Good News" Edition Paid Members Public
Presented by Dr. Charles A. Bishop, C.A. Bishop Consulting Ltd. Over the last few years there have been some concerns about the availability of certain materials (1). The ones hitting the news include indium and the rare earth as a whole group of materials. Indium is of interest because
Gap Analysis for some Key Aspects of Roll-to-Roll Vacuum Coating Paid Members Public
Presented by Dr. Charles A. Bishop, C.A. Bishop Consulting Ltd.
A Review of Hubbert Predictions & how to be an Ostrich Paid Members Public
Presented by Dr. Charles A. Bishop, C.A. Bishop Consulting Ltd.
Magnetron Sputtering - Pt 1: The Basics Paid Members Public
Dr. Charles Bishop, C.a. Bishop Consulting Ltd. In this talk I will explain how magnetron sputtering was such a large step forward over simple DC sputtering.
Dwindling Resources a Molehill out of a Mountain Paid Members Public
Dwindling Resources a Molehill out of a Mountain presented by Dr. Charles A. Bishop | C.A. Bishop Consulting Ltd
Barrier Coatings Paid Members Public
In this talk I will show why the secret to making good barrier coatings is to manage the defects.
Aluminum Metallization - The Basics Paid Members Public
In this talk I will take you through the basics of aluminum metallization. This includes highlighting some of the possible variables such as resistance heated boat quality and potential problems, wire quality, film quality and vacuum quality.