Ultrasonic Drying of Recycled Paper Fiber-Based Food Containers Coated and Impregnated with Biodegradable Pulp Additives and Barrier Dispersions

Kevin Lifsey

Presented by Gene Plavnik, Heat Technologies Inc

Heat Technologies, Inc (HTI), the provider of the Spectra Ultra HEÔ acoustic ultrasonic heat and mass transfer technology for the crosscut of industries, will discuss results of the ultrasonic drying of the recycled paper fiber bowls impregnated and coated with biodegradable additive and barrier coatings.

This work was aimed at establishing a) optimum amounts of additives and/or barrier coatings per a single container, as well as operating temperatures, residence time, temperature profile, energy consumption and physical parameters of production scale drying system with the target about 4t/day of final product manufactured.

Several types of bowls were thoroughly tested and analyzed. Results of the tests were tabulated, and optimum parameters were established and are disclosed in the presentation for future production purposes of the converters.

Along with the brief background on the technology, the presentation will focus on practical experience obtained during the testing program and conclusions for future production purposes.

Attendees will gain an understanding and knowledge of the drying processes required, optimum quantities of coatings required, quality control tests, physical parameters of the technological equipment attendees which are identical to the web-based food grade paper production.

The presentation also includes several photo files that support the step-by-step testing and analysis, as well as operational parameters of production scale drying equipment.

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