The Science of Drying: A New Approach to an Old Problem

Kevin Lifsey

Presented by Viktor Mudry, FlexAir Inc

The production output of a printing or converting line is often limited by the capability of its dryers. Unfortunately, understanding the science of drying has not been a primary focus of many machine builders. As a result, many of today’s dryer designs remain as scaled-up versions of outdated equipment with massive energy demands. Since 2004, FlexAir has committed itself to studying drying and applying those findings to the next generation of dryer design. FlexAir’s technology is specially designed to maximize dryer effectiveness while decreasing energy consumption by up to 90%. FlexAir’s newest A-Class dryers are cost-effective, space-saving, and modular pieces of equipment for retrofits and new press builds of any web width. Join our discussion to discover the truths (and misunderstandings) about the science of drying and how FlexAir can help you with your printing and coating applications.

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