The Role Atmospheric Conditions Have on Your Dryer Members Public

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Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

On the way to the latest state of the art packaging R2R metallizer Members Public

Presented by P. Sauer, A. Herzog, R. Ziemer, G. Löbig, J. Krantz, C. Uhlenbrock, Schmid Vacuum Technology GmbH sauer_abssauer_abs.pdf1 MBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Controlling Static on an Unwinding Roll Members Public

Presented by Kelly Robinson, PE, PhD, Electrostatic Answers robinson_absrobinson_abs.pdf170 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Market Overview: Vacuum Coated Films & Papers Members Public

Presented by Corey M. Reardon, AWA Alexander Watson Associates reardon_absreardon_abs.pdf79 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Carbon Nanotube Applications… Matching Materials, Process, and Purpose Members Public

Presented by Robert Praino, Chasm Technologies, Inc praino_abspraino_abs.pdf915 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Principles of Nanotoxicology Members Public

Presented by Ivan Pacheco, MD, PhD, Queen's University pacheco_abspacheco_abs.pdf1 MBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Sustainability and Life Cycle Technology for Packaging Members Public

Presented by M. Luhrs, E. Griffing, M. Realff, and M. Overcash, Environmental Clarity, LLC, Georgia Institute of Technology overcash1_absovercash1_abs.pdf9 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Life Cycle Inventory Gate-to-Gate of Metallized Biaxially-Oriented Polypropylene Members Public

Presented by M. Luhrs, E. Griffing, M. Realff, and M. Overcash, Environmental Clarity, LLC, Georgia Institute of Technology overcash_absovercash_abs.pdf9 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings