
Converting Quarterly | Q3 2022 Members Public

Issue includes specialty papers on barrier properties, sustainability, and a special market report on labeling and release liners. Use the link below to download the full issue of Converting Quarterly.

Alex Nevels
Converting Quarterly

A Journey from Metallized Labels to Metallized Functional Papers: Challenges and Achievements to Produce the Barrier Papers Members Public

Presented by Daniela Mondelli, AR Metallizing Valeria Rasetto (a), Kurt Gundlach (b), Roghi Kalan (b), Daniela Mondelli (a) (a) AR Metallizing S.r.l, Via Lombriasco, Casalgrasso, CN 12030, Italy (b) AR Metallizing Ltd, AR Metallizing Ltd., 24 National Drive, Forge Park, Franklin, MA 02038, United States In the last

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Vacuum Verbiage: In these cost-conscious times, how do we save energy in metallizing? Members Public

Globalization can have advantages, but we have seen the disadvantages in recent times with the impact of COVID-19 on travel, trade and individual freedom. More recently, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has caused a massive increase in fuel costs. The increasing cost of fuel already was happening due to

Alex Nevels
Converting Quarterly

Transition from plastic to wood fiber: Maintaining sustainability and durability in everyday uses Members Public

The world has a single-use plastic problem; the majority of plastic does not get recycled and much of it ends up in the ocean or landfills. As such, sustainability initiatives are no longer becoming a “nice to have” marker of social responsibility, nor are they considered a competitive advantage for

Alex Nevels
Converting Quarterly

Sustainable paper packaging for FMCGs, foodservice applications gains traction among consumers & brands Members Public

The world of packaging is in a constant state of change. Consumer environmentalism, government legislation and even COVID-19 have forced consumer retail brands to rethink and redesign their packaging. High demand for supply-chain transparency now is driving synergies among multiple players to work together in the creation of new sustainable

Alex Nevels
Converting Quarterly

Next generation of sustainable barriers through new PFAS-free adhesive starch formulations Members Public

Within the packaging sector, environmental concerns and consumer expectations are driving forward the demand for renewable and biodegradable packaging solutions. Paper and board are excellent packaging materials, but their porosity and absorbance need to be overcome with the use of barriers. This firm’s novel sustainable barrier starches meet the

Alex Nevels
Converting Quarterly

Curbside-recyclable standup pouch earns top Dow Packaging honor Members Public

Melbourne, Australia-based O F Packaging has earned the 2021 Diamond Award in the annual Dow Packaging Innovation Awards program. The flex-pack converter’s curbside-recyclable, high-barrier standup pouch for Brookfarm’s line of toasted muesli breakfast cereals (see Figure 1) demonstrated excellence in all three judging criteria, according to a panel

Alex Nevels
Converting Quarterly

VACUUM VERBIAGE: How can polymer marking improve packaging recycling rates? Members Public

In the area of brand authentication, anti-counterfeiting and supply-chain verification, it is common to use overt or covert marking of the product or packaging. The features used for marking include colored fibers; specialist inks, such as infrared, fluorescing, color-shifting, metallic or holographic inks; barcodes; two-dimensional (snowflake) barcodes; and/or embossed

Alex Nevels
Converting Quarterly