Conference Proceedings
Novel Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Techniques for Patterning Conductive Layers Paid Members Public
Presented by Robert Praino, MictroContinuum Inc. prainopraino.pdf4 KBdownload-circle
Currency and the Never-Ending Battle Paid Members Public
Presented by Roger W. Phillips, JDSU-Flex Products Group phillipsphillips.pdf419 KBdownload-circle
An In-Depth Look at Reverse Roll Coating Paid Members Public
Presented by John A. Pasquale III, New Era Converting Machinery, Inc. pasqualepasquale.pdf8 KBdownload-circle
Metallizer Performance Evaluations – Capacity Improvements Paid Members Public
Presented by Eldridge M. Mount III, EMMOUNT Technologies mount2mount2.pdf62 KBdownload-circle
Chemical Analysis of the Polyester/Metal Surface of a Delamination Failure Paid Members Public
Presented by Eldridge M. Mount III, EMMOUNT Technologies A polymer film lamination shows an unexpected delamination failure. The lamination is produced by adhesive laminating a previously printed metallized polyester film to a LLDPE sealant. In use the lamination is found to fail by delamination between the polyester film and the
Covert Markers for Anti-Counterfeit Brand Management – Security that Sticks Paid Members Public
Presented by Michael D. Martin, Adhesives Research, Inc. martinmartin.pdf58 KBdownload-circle
Confined flame treatment: a new flame treatment process particularly suitable for coextruded sealable and metallized films. Comparison with standard flame treatment, process characterization and its applications on different substrates and materials types Paid Members Public
Presented by Stefano Mancinelli, esseCI SRL mancinellimancinelli.pdf957 KBdownload-circle
Sputter Metallizing of Polyimide Film for FCCL Paid Members Public
Presented by Hans Maidhof maidhofmaidhof.pdf450 KBdownload-circle