Conference Proceedings
The future of capacitor web films: versatile source capabilities for high-end applications Paid Members Public
Presented by Anye Chifen, Heiko Hagemann, Michael Ewald, Marc Baumberger, Bühler Alzenau GmbH chifen_abstractchifen_abstract.pdf17 KBdownload-circle
Adhesive lamination: new technology in Solvent Less lamination Paid Members Public
A new development in solvent less lamination allows for: no need of a meter mixer dispenser; no pot-life concerns; quality check in 30 minutes; slitting in 90 minutes; delivery in 24 hours from lamination; while featuring the advantages typical of traditional solvent less lamination: low energy consumption and no emissions.
Low-Monomer, Fast-Bond Adhesives Paid Members Public
Presented by Pierangelo Brambilla, DOW Due to the evolving nature and more stringing requirement of European and local food legislation and with regards also to FDA food approval, Dow started to develop a new solvent less technology combining ultra fast Primary Aromatic Amine decays with fast curing speed allowing customers
Robust Reference Tension Optimization in Winding Systems Using Wound Internal Stress Calculation Paid Members Public
Presented by M'hamed Boutaous, University of Strasbourg It is well known that the tension reference value, which a priori guarantees a good quality roll, is based on the stress generated within the roll. The tension reference is optimized by considering both the tangential and the radial stress within
Heat load variations on web substrates as seen by deposition modelling Paid Members Public
Presented by Charles A. Bishop, C.A.Bishop Consulting Ltd. bishop_abstractbishop_abstract.pdf33 KBdownload-circle
Development and Upscaling of Nanoscale Transparent Barrier Lacquers based on Hybrid Polymers” Paid Members Public
Presented by Dr. Sabine Amberg-Schwab, Fraunhofer Institute of Silicate Research amberg-schwab_abstractamberg-schwab_abstract.pdf537 KBdownload-circle
New Atmospheric Plasma and Photografting Approach for Permanent Surface Tension and Coating Adhesion Paid Members Public
Presented by Rory Wolf, Enercon Industries Corporation wolfwolf.pdf335 KBdownload-circle
Impact of Flotation Nozzle Design on Web Handling Paid Members Public
Presented by Richard Wimberger, C.A.Litzler Co., Inc. wimbergerwimberger.pdf800 KBdownload-circle