Dwindling resources - a molehill out of a mountain Members Public

Presented by Dr. Charles A. Bishop, C.A.Bishop Consulting Ltd. bishopbishop.pdf261 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

From Fiber to Film - Dyeing Polyester, the Past, the Present and the Future Members Public

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Vacuum deposition of high performance gas barrier materials for electronics applications Members Public

Presented by H.E. Assender, University of Oxford assenderassender.pdf110 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Technology and Applications of Microstructured Pigments Members Public

Presented by Alberto Argoitia, Flex Products Inc. argoitiaargoitia.pdf735 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings