Kevin Lifsey

3M Advanced Conductor Technology Members Public

Presented by Scott J. Jones, 3M Corporate Research Process Laboratory The miniaturization of portable electronic devices, including convergence of functions, integration of packaging and pace of innovation demand reduction of weight and thickness of individual components, as well as performance advantages not previously seen. Of particular interest are film-based transparent

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe

Evaluation of Return on Investment for Vacuum Web Coating System and Process Changes Members Public

Presented by Mike Simmons, Intellivation LLC Whether battling with process challenges or trying to keep up with demand, vacuum coating systems are often in a state of change. This paper presents case studies for several roll to roll vacuum coating system modifications, their relative costs and how one change can

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe

Freshure® Coatings: Environmentally Friendly Barrier Coatings Members Public

Presented by Shahab Jahromi, Knowfort Technologies BV Roll-to-roll vacuum deposition of hard materials (inorganic and metallic) has been the method of choice to producing functional coatings in various industries such as semiconductor and flexible packaging. Vacuum deposition of soft organic materials on the other hand is still in its infancy

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe

The Nanoparticle Toolkit Members Public

Presented by Dr. Nigel H. Holmes, MacDermid-Autotype The advances that have been made in the understanding of nanoparticle properties have lead to an explosion of interest into how these materials might be used commercially. A rapid scan of the literature reveals a multitude of proposed uses for these materials. Richard

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe

Diamond Blades - Exceptionally Wear Resistant and Extremely Sharp Members Public

Presented by P. Gluche, GFD Gesellschaft für Diamantprodukte mbH Slitting is mainly seen as an insignificant part of web handling and changing blades permanently is a necessary evil. Blades with a coated finish are often regarded as being not sharp enough. A new approach to overcome this dilemma is the

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe

Coating and Printing Processes for the Surface Functionalization...Newest Developments Members Public

Adnrea Glawe, KROENERT GmbH & Co KG In the last years the focus of development was related from KROENERT side to large scale application for organic electronics. The largest OPV coating and printing line was delivered to CSEM Brazil and is right now in installation at customer side. Secondly the

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe

Hydro Paper on Foil Members Public

Presented by Marcus Eue, Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH This presentation is a bit different compared to the presentations you know from others during this conference. Hydro Aluminium is a raw material producer and not a machine equipment supplier. But due to our long experience in foil production and close

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe

Optimized Pre-Metered Die Coating Methods and Their Advantages for New Coating Applications Members Public

Presented by Harald Doell, TSE Troller AG In the development and production of coated products especially for products in the most recent developments of electronic products such as flexible electronics, new battery systems for energy storage it is of utmost importance to select an appropriate coating method. This is necessary

Kevin Lifsey
2014 WCHC Europe