Kevin Lifsey

Over-Treatment of PET – Fact or Fiction (Part I - Corona) and (Part II – Atmospheric Plasma): A Study of the Following Variables: Watt Density, Corona Dwell Time, Film Selection, Dyne Level and Water Soak Bond Strength Members Public

Presented by Jessica Bodine, Mica Corporation Converters of oriented films have long been told the risk of over-treatment of polyester film. Over-treatment can be defined as the point at which the treatment level no longer contributes beneficial properties to the film surface and may begin to cause degradation of the

Kevin Lifsey

Dwindling Resources - A Molehill out of a Mountain Members Public

Presented by Dr. Charles A. Bishop, C.A.Bishop Consulting Ltd. There has been plenty of publicity about the rapid increase in the price of Indium. This price rise was as a result of a number of factors such as it only being mined as a byproduct of zinc (1)

Kevin Lifsey

Troubleshooting Web-Handling Problems and Dryer Related Coating Defects Inside Flotation Dryers Members Public

Presented by Dan Bemi & Steve Zagar, MEGTEC Systems For many converting operations, a flotation drying system represents the longest web span between tension isolation points on the entire coating line. As such, web stability inside the dryer can be a concern. Current trends toward faster line speeds and lighter

Kevin Lifsey

Sensing and Control of Vacuum Processes Presented by Dermot Monaghan Members Public

What You Will Learn: The sensing and control of the vacuum coating process is of upmost importance for consistent, high-quality end-product. Every process will at least have one pressure gauge and some will make use of a Residual Gas Analyser (RGA) to monitor the condition of the base vacuum before

Kevin Lifsey

Solvent-Targeted Recovery and Precipitation (Strap) A New Paradigm for Plastic Recycling Members Public

Presented by George Huber, University of Wisconsin-Madison Presenter Bio: George Willis Huber is the Richard Antoine Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor Huber is the executive director of the $12.5 million International Center on Chemical Upcycling of Waste Plastics (CUWP). CUWP currently involves 22 industrial partners,

Kevin Lifsey

Surfactant Considerations for Successful Multilayer Coating Members Public

Presented by Bill Devine, Carestream Health, Inc. Optimization of surface tension is critical to successful multilayer coating. Surfactants (surface-active agents) lower surface tension (energy) at immiscible interfaces by their dual hydrophilic and hydrophobic nature. This property makes them valuable as additives to coating formulations to perform a variety of functions

Kevin Lifsey
2023 R2R USA

Applications and Benefits of Dual Layer Plasma Coated Rollers & Parts in Manufacturing Members Public

Presented by William R. Bradley Jr. , American Roller Company Discovering opportunities with existing and new customers is exciting for everyone. It generally starts with a problematic area to improve. A good example is maintenance and downtime associated with cleaning roller surfaces. When debris or build up is present on critical

Kevin Lifsey
2023 R2R USA

The Science of Drying: A New Approach to an Old Problem Members Public

Presented by Viktor Mudry, FlexAir Inc The production output of a printing or converting line is often limited by the capability of its dryers. Unfortunately, understanding the science of drying has not been a primary focus of many machine builders. As a result, many of today’s dryer designs remain

Kevin Lifsey
2023 R2R USA