Vacuum deposition
Why Is My Vacuum-Deposited Barrier Coating Hard To Improve? Paid Members Public
The most frequently asked question that I get is, “Why is my barrier coating hard to improve?” Like the coatings, the answer can vary from simple for very basic barrier coatings to much more complex for higher-barrier performance coatings.
Vacuum Verbiage: In these cost-conscious times, how do we save energy in metallizing? Paid Members Public
Globalization can have advantages, but we have seen the disadvantages in recent times with the impact of COVID-19 on travel, trade and individual freedom. More recently, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has caused a massive increase in fuel costs. The increasing cost of fuel already was happening due to
VACUUM VERBIAGE | Are today's fillers for various polymer films a necessary evil? Paid Members Public
I have a tendency to view fillers as problematic; hence, the title of this column. Polymer films made without fillers often are very smooth, which makes them very hard to wind well. As the film is wound, the air between is squeezed out, and so there is a very high