Conference Proceedings

Applied Ergonomic Solutions to Eliminate Hazards in Converting Applications Members Public

Presented by Sean L. Craig Each year converting companies spend billions of dollars in workers’ compensation claims. After all the accounting is complete, those billions of dollars are simply deducted from their bottom line. And while those same companies will spend billions of dollars on new product development in order

Kevin Lifsey

Design, Fabrication, and Integration of Thin-Films for Sensing, Shielding and Power Storage Members Public

Presented by Kent Coulter and James Arps, Southwest Research Institute Advanced solid state materials that exhibit magnetostrictive (Fe/FeTb), frequency selective (FeNi/Al2O3), and high power density (LiCO3, Li2VxOy) based on precisely engineered compositional, structural, and interfacial elements are widely reported in the scientific literature but are in the early

Kevin Lifsey

Multilayer Films and Platelets for Biomedical Applications Members Public

Presented by Kent Coulter, Mechanical & Materials Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute Novel multilayer films and particles for targeted drug delivery, localized therapeutic treatment, and detection and diagnosis require unique physical properties such as superparamagnetism, quantum confinement, and/or tailored surface functionalities while being non-cytotoxic and having colloidal and pH

Kevin Lifsey

Increasing Energy Efficiency in the Web Coating Process Members Public

Presented by Edward Cohen, Edward Cohen Consulting The Web Coating & Laminating process is very dependent on fossil fuels, petroleum, coal and gas as a source of energy for the numerous process functions, etc. Historically, in the United States, there has been virtually unlimited availability of fossil fuels at reasonable

Kevin Lifsey

Adhesive Lamination: 100% Solid Members Public

Presented by Giancarlo Caimmi, Nordmeccanica Group Solvent Free lamination evolved in the past 40 years in the industry, from the early days of a European only technology to a market reality globally. In Norm America Solvent free lamination went through a significant growth just in the past ten years. Nevertheless

Kevin Lifsey

Over-Treatment of PET – Fact or Fiction (Part I - Corona) and (Part II – Atmospheric Plasma): A Study of the Following Variables: Watt Density, Corona Dwell Time, Film Selection, Dyne Level and Water Soak Bond Strength Members Public

Presented by Jessica Bodine, Mica Corporation Converters of oriented films have long been told the risk of over-treatment of polyester film. Over-treatment can be defined as the point at which the treatment level no longer contributes beneficial properties to the film surface and may begin to cause degradation of the

Kevin Lifsey

Dwindling Resources - A Molehill out of a Mountain Members Public

Presented by Dr. Charles A. Bishop, C.A.Bishop Consulting Ltd. There has been plenty of publicity about the rapid increase in the price of Indium. This price rise was as a result of a number of factors such as it only being mined as a byproduct of zinc (1)

Kevin Lifsey

Troubleshooting Web-Handling Problems and Dryer Related Coating Defects Inside Flotation Dryers Members Public

Presented by Dan Bemi & Steve Zagar, MEGTEC Systems For many converting operations, a flotation drying system represents the longest web span between tension isolation points on the entire coating line. As such, web stability inside the dryer can be a concern. Current trends toward faster line speeds and lighter

Kevin Lifsey