Conference Proceedings

The practical uses of chemical adhesion in interlayer bonding Members Public

Presented by Dr. Jon-Paul Griffiths, Oxford Advanced Surfaces griffiths_abstractgriffiths_abstract.pdf104 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Reducing Waste Material and Increasing Productivity by Butt Splicing Members Public

Presented by R. Joseph Gotshall, MTorres Zero-tail, butt-splicing can be utilized to speed up converting lines while greatly reducing or eliminating the waste of valuable raw materials. This technology has been applied to materials ranging from paper & paper board to tissue, towel, film, nonwovens & flexible packaging substrates. Perfect

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Flexible glass substrates for roll-to-roll manufacturing Members Public

Presented by Sean Garner, Gary Merz, John Tosch, Chet Chang, Dale Marshall, Xinghua Li, James Lin, Chris Kuo, Sue Lewis, Rich Kohler, Joe Matusick, Casey Kang, Corning Substrate choice is critical for the overall optimization of flexible electronic device design, fabrication process, and performance. Glass substrates offer advantages compared to

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Optical and electrical properties of zinc oxide based TCO layers on polymer films Members Public

Presented by Matthias Fahland, John Fahlteich, Steffen Günther, Tobias Vogt Fraunhofer Institute of Electron Beam and Plasma Technology TCO (transparent conducting oxide) layers on polymer films have a high importance for emerging applications like flexible solar cells and large area lighting. The restriction for substrate temperatures to be below 150°

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Functional Web Coating: from Food Packaging to Technical Applications Members Public

Presented by Stanislav Dribinskiy, Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (Fraunhofer IVV) A review of Fraunhofer IVV research projects about functional web coating for food packaging and technical applications is presented. The scientific-industrial projects focus on analysis and optimization of R2R vacuum web coating and lacquering processes used for

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Pass-Though Vacuum Chambers for Research and Production Members Public

Presented by Drew Devitt, Jim Allen, New Way Air Bearings devitt_abstractdevitt_abstract.pdf676 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Pattern Metallization: Selective Deposition of Metals on Polymer Films for Functional Applications Members Public

Presented by Dr. Wolfgang Decker, VAST FILMS, Ltd. decker_abstractdecker_abstract.pdf95 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

A Comparison of Aqueous Primers for Anchoring Vacuum Deposited Aluminum to Film Substrates Members Public

Presented by Ginger Cushing, Michelman Inc This study presents three water based coatings which were applied to treated film substrates and subsequently vacuum metalized with aluminum. The primers produced strong adhesion between metal and film. Oxygen transmission rate tests show promising barrier performance. This technology would be suitable for packaging

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe