Chemical Vapor Deposition Polymerization for Conducting Polymer Thin-Film Coating Members Public

Presented by Michael H.-C. Jin, University of Texas jinjin.pdf385 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Aspects of Latex Particles Size Control for Improved Water Blush Resistance Members Public

Presented by Scott Harvey, Ashland Specialty Chemical Company harveyharvey.pdf307 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Deposition of Silicon Oxide, Silicon Nitride and Silicon Carbide Thin Films by New Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Source Technology Members Public

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Patterning and High Rate Vacuum Deposition on the Super Thin Film Members Public

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

High Barrier PLA Films for Flexible Packaging Members Public

Presented by Dante Ferrari, Celplast Metallized Products Ltd. ferrariferrari.pdf500 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

A Glance in the Rear View Mirror at the Evolution of Vacuum Roll to Roll Coatings Members Public

Presented by John Fenn fennfenn.pdf77 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

NanoBond: Target Bonding for Optimum Sputtering Performance Members Public

Presented by Alan Duckham, Reactive Nano Technologies duckhamduckham.pdf154 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings

Nano Particle Coatings and Applications in Window Film Members Public

Presented by Christy De Meyer, Bekaert Technology Center demeyerdemeyer.pdf346 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
Conference Proceedings