Guidelines for Allowable In-plane Roller Misalignment Using Wrinkling and Web Break Models Paid Members Public
Presented b David R. Roisum, Ph.D. While we have had wrinkling and web break models for a quarter century and the means for precision roller alignment for a half century, no consistent recommendations have been made as to allowable tolerances for roller misalignment. The lack of consistency is not
Vacuum Plasma Deposition of Water and Oil Repellent Nano-coatings Paid Members Public
Presented by Dr. Nicholas Timmer, P2i Several applications of web-based media require a high level of liquid repellency. This may be to provide protection from environmental conditions (for example outdoor clothing, protective coverings, and vent filters used to protect automotive electronics), or to provide protection from specific chemicals (for example
Processes and Equipment for Specialty Web Products Paid Members Public
Presented by Fabiano Rimediotti, Galileo Vacuum Systems This paper will present and discuss specialty applications of vacuum web coating: which are gaining a growing interest from the industry, as a new opportunity of business through diversification. We will describe processes with combined techniques, in particular, patterning and coating with their
High Repeatability Tungsten Carbide Lip Slot die Paid Members Public
Presented by Naoki Rikita, MMC Ryotec Tungsten Carbide, which is known for its hard metal properties, is used on slot die lips for wear resistance. Computer analysis introduces a case study of lip wear for critical process control. This study helps in understanding geometric modeling of slot die lips and
Metallized Papers & Films Worldwide Paid Members Public
Presented by Corey M. Reardon, AWA Alexander Watson Associates
Reliable Laminating Interdependency Inks/Adhesive Paid Members Public
Presented by Pierangelo Brambilla, Sun Chemical
How Automatic Metrology Systems Help to Increase Product Quality While Saving Production Costs and Time Paid Members Public
Presented by Hans Oerley, Dr. Schenk GmbH Plastic films are produced for a wide range of applications: for packaging of food, functional films for LCD-displays, films for organic solar modules and OLEDs and many more. Focusing on the production process, starting with the base material and followed by converting steps,
Optimized Control and Uniformity with T-Cap MAX Evaporator Boats Paid Members Public
Presented by Rodrigue Ngoumeni Yappi, Kennametal A new generation of evaporator boats has been developed by creating a new cavity design. This new feature provides both, better performance and life time.