Kevin Lifsey

Direct Gravure Roll Coating – Towards a Predictive Tool Members Public

Presented by Nik Kapur, Rob Hewson, Phil Gaskell, Nick Raske, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds kapur_abstractkapur_abstract.pdf128 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

3M Advanced Conductor Technology Members Public

Presented by Stephen Maki, Don McClure, Chris Merton, Mark Roehrig, Geoff Ringer, and Scott J. Jones, 3M Corporate Research Process Laboratory The miniaturization of portable electronic devices, including convergence of functions, integration of packaging and pace of innovation demand reduction of weight and thickness of individual components, as well as

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Freshure® Coatings: Environmentally Friendly Barrier Coatings Members Public

Presented by Shahab Jahromi, Knowfort Technologies BV Roll-to-roll vacuum deposition of hard materials (inorganic and metallic) has been the method of choice to producing functional coatings in various industries such as semiconductor and flexible packaging. Vacuum deposition of soft organic materials on the other hand is still in its infancy

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

A Novel QA Approach to combined In-line Defect/Pinhole Detection and Coating Opacity Measurement Members Public

Presented by Mr. Matthieu Richard, Mr. Olivier Porret, BOBST The issues associated with quality control in the coating process of flexible materials will be presented, with particular emphasis on new market trends and applications where in-line defect/pin-hole detection and measurement techniques are required. A new compact technical solution operating

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Thin Film Slot Coating in a Rarefied Low Viscosity Gas Members Public

Presented by H. Benkreira and J.B. Ikin, University of Bradford A key limitation of the slot coating process when attempting to coat very thin films is due to air entrainment. We show in this research that by replacing the air with a low viscosity gas and reducing the pressure

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

The Nanoparticle Toolkit Members Public

Presented by Dr. Nigel H. Holmes, MacDermid-Autotype holmes_abstractholmes_abstract.pdf18 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Film Inspection: The Gel Count Standard What resolution and defect detection can be realised and makes sense - with practical examples Members Public

Presented by Oliver Hissmann, OCS Optical Control Systems GmbH hissman_abstracthissman_abstract.pdf49 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Contact Cleaning for Functional Coatings in Emerging Technologies Members Public

Presented by Sheila Hamilton, Teknek Limited Appropriate application of contact cleaning within production of coated products can significantly reduce defects caused by particulate contamination. In the emerging technologies such as OPV, Plastic Electronics and Displays there is a requirement for high barrier coatings where even tiny defects are detrimental to

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe