Kevin Lifsey

Aspects to develop a R2R coater Members Public

Presented by Johannes Krantz, J. Hoffmann, M. Klosch-Trageser, G. Löbig, P. Sauer, Schmid Vacuum Technology GmbH krantz_abstractkrantz_abstract.pdf586 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Innovative Automated Web and Sheet Inspection Systems - Vision Beyond Defect Detection Members Public

Presented by Dr. Jochen G. Koenig, Schenk Vision Modern web inspection systems now deliver much more. Enabled by recent advancements in LED illumination-technology and very high speed cameras, the newest systems reach much higher image resolutions. Because of this, particularly for small defects, advanced classification becomes possible thus elevating mere

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Elastic Web Processing Lines: Optimal Master Roller Position Members Public

Presented by J. Frechard, D. Knittel, University of Strasbourg, Institute of Physics and Engineering This paper concerns the tension control of roll-to-roll systems. In such systems, each driven roller speed is controlled separatly. The impact of the master roller position on tension control performances is studied using optimized web tension

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Recent enhancements and advantages of new in-process thickness measurement systems Members Public

A highly accurate and effective new means to measure the absolute thickness of thin films and applied layers, both in the lab and inline in a non contact, non-radioactive and non-destructive manner will be presented. The systems unique ability to measure individual clear or opaque coating layers to include hard

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Drive Response Requirements for Web Handling Members Public

Presented by Clarence Klassen, P.Eng., KlassENgineering The response of a drive's torque, speed and tension regulators are set when initially tuning these regulators. Once tuned, the response determines how the drive responds to disturbances. We will discuss the tuning requirements for various web handling applications. These will

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Additions to Your Drive System Members Public

Presented by Clarence Klassen, P.Eng., KlassENgineering Inc. Many existing web handling lines have outdated drive systems. “Outdated” not a problem if the drive system performs satisfactorily and you have adequate spares. The outdated drive system becomes a challenge when an upgrade is required due to process changes on the

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Roll-to-Roll Sputtered ITO/Ag/ITO Multilayer Films for Flexible Organic Solar Cells and Flexible Heaters Members Public

Presented by Han-Ki Kim,1, Sung-Hyun Park, Sang-Jin-Lee and Jae Heung Lee, Department of Advanced Materials Engineering for Information and Electronics, Kyung Hee University, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Chemical Materials Solutions Center Indium tin oxide (ITO), Ag, and ITO layers were sputtered onto a flexible PET substrate with

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe

Benefits of modern vacuum pumping systems for WEB applications Members Public

Presented by Gottfried Kuepper, Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH keupper_abstractkeupper_abstract.pdf564 KBdownload-circle

Kevin Lifsey
2012 WCHC Europe